Alchemy of the Altar: Level 2

5 Week Online Course

In Alchemy of the Altar: Foundations we created a personal healing altar and cultivated ways to open our communion with the physical, spiritual and psychological aspects of Self and all of life. Alchemy of the Altar: Level 2 is walking the path of Earth-based spirituality or Shamanism and truly opening to ourselves as multi-dimensional beings.

Open to all who have completed Alchemy of the Altar: Foundations, we are very excited to be deepening with you all for Alchemy of the Altar: Level 2. We have extended the series to 5 weeks so we can devote a week to grounding and aligning our mesas, and then a week dedicated to each cardinal direction as we grow the medicines within each. On this path we continue to explore the great mystery of everything manifest in this universe and how we relate to it.


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm